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domingo, 27 de enero de 2013

Password-Encryption with C++

Today's project is about protecting your passwords. There are some powerful programs which are capable of stealing passwords from apparently secure Internet sites. In order to avoid this, I developed an algorithm to encrypt any alphanumeric password given by the user. I am currently working on the decryption algorithm, which is clearly more difficult. The program asks the user to enter the password, and afterwards he is prompted to choose an encryption level (simple mode or advanced mode). And the program generates another password with different characters. As you may notice, the encryption algorithm IS NOT RANDOM AT ALL, so that's why I'm currently working on the other way round code. Here are a couple of snapshots of the program.

In this one, user chose simple mode encryption:

And in this one, user chose advanced mode encryption:

I let you download the executable file from my Skydrive account:

And finally, here's the code. Notice that the encryption algorithm can be anything the developer wants. The more complex it is, the less vulnerable is for possible hacking. If the code was made using any kind of pre-established random functionality, the deencryption algorithm would be really hard. This program and the one I'm into right now are designed to work together: one encrypts, the other one decrypts the first one's output.

New Blog/ Nuevo Blog

Hi there, I just created this blog. As you may have figured out, it is oriented to programming stuff. From now on I'll share my little projects on this site. My other blog is: http://eiger824.blogspot.com. I hope you enjoy it.

Hola a todos! Acabo de crear este blog. Como os podréis imaginar, está pensado para publicar códigos en diferentes lenguajes de programación. Iré compartiendo mis pequeños proyectos y códigos en este blog. El otro es: http://eiger824.blogspot.com . Espero que lo disfrutéis.

Basic Database in Java

Today's project is a simple one: creating a simple database coded in Java. When we enter a new contact in our mobile devices, we are always asked to provide some info such as our contact's name, last name, phone number, email, and so on. Here I show you a simple code in Java that works more or less the same way it does on a normal mobile device. Obviously, what we have in our devices has an interface to look more proffesional and attractive at the same time, but the code is something like that. Here are a couple of snapshots of the program and its functionalities:

And here's the code:

Codificador de Textos en Java

It was not until a couple of months ago that I started to feel interested in the Java programming Language. I had done some C++ previously, and I still code in my free time, but I particularly find Java a very cool language. Below is shown a simple code that converts (almost) any existing character into a binary sequence according to ASCII code.
Here is the output to the console. In this case, I entered my email adress:

And the code:

Calculadora básica en C++

Tras haber estado ocupado estas últimas semanas, hoy actualizo en blog con un simple programa escrito en C++, una calculadora básica. Es un algoritmo muy sencillo, quizá un tanto largo, pero bastante útil porque puede que sea una calculadora que a partir de ahora utilice cuando esté en el ordenador. Dejo aquí la el link de la aplicación que redirigirá a mi directorio público de Skydrive desde el cual se podrá descargar la aplicación.

Importante!! La contraseña que pedirá al principio para entrar al programa es 1234.

De todas formas el código lo voy a dejar aquí también, por si acaso. Sé que me falta aplicarle una interfaz que sea un tanto más atractiva que la de las aplicaciones de consola de Windows, pero tiempo al tiempo.

Esta es una captura de la consola una vez arrancado el programa:
